Sunday, March 10, 2013


Free gas 24-7 is an amazing opportunity. TVC is the main company and Virgil Coffee is the owner of Free Gas 24-7. Virgil Coffee is not at all new to this industry.. If you've ever heard of Prepaid Legal Mr. Coffee was also involved in that company compensation plan.. TVC matrix has been around since 1926, showing that they have been around for a while.. 

If you have been an agent for MCA and enjoyed in the compensation plan.. You'll love this compensation plan TVC has once again. Your paid weekly and training is provided. The website is very professional and there's no need for a capture page. 

Free Gas Matrix offers 100% commission.


Go to the website and click join now.. There are 3 memberships.. Pick the one that best fits your needs..

Each membership comes with benefits- 
DriverShield Green!
Towing to Nearest Service Facility!
Earn Residual Commissions!
$11.99/month. Start Now!

DriverShield Gold!
Towing up to 100 miles!
Earn Residual Commissions!
$25.99/month. Go Better Now!

Driver Shield Platinum! (RECOMMENCED)
100 mile Towing!
Legal Benefits!
Earn Residual Commissions!
$49.99/month. Go Best Now!


                                      --->>Click Here<<<----

Each Associate has a personalized website where they can refer people to purchase 
memberships and/or sign up to become an Associate.  The name or URL of the website is determined when you choose your Username when signup as an Associate.  If, for example, your chose your Username to be “mynameis” then your personalized website would be: Referring New Associates and Prospective Members to your Personalized Website.

Once a prospective member purchases a membership, they to will receive their own personalized website. 


And you will paid the following week. 


Gasmatrix 3X8 Matrix Reward Commission Program started January 2004.. Along with the other amazing products like Motor Club of America. 

Many associates are earning over $4,000 every month along with their weekly check. 

They also offer cash bonuses if you make 10 sale or more a week. Paid 100% commission.. If you loved MCA- Motor club of america you'll love this other cool and profitable program TVC has to offer. 


The best thing about this is that they pay everyweek and we sell to Truck Driver these kinda of people are more likely to buy than anyone.. 


The amount of cash you earn for each sale with on-going payment increases the more sales you make each week.  For example, when you sell 4885 ProDriver memberships, you could earn:  from $82.78 to $112.78 per sale.  The difference between the base commission and the commission you are paid as the result of your sales count is your Cash Winner Bonus.


Be FAT- Faithful, Available and Trainable

DriverShield Gas Matrix:  DriverShield Gas Matrix is its own separate matrix.  Since this is a Gas Matrix membership benefit, you need to have an active gas matrix membership with on-going payment method.  The DriverShield Gas Matrix has its own website which is different than the TVC Matrix website.  The DriverShield Gas Matrix website is located at GasMatrix  You do not have to be in the TVC Matrix to participate in the DriverShield Gas Matrix Opportunity.


1. Checks of $10.00 or more may be paid via the following methods:

a. Check mailed to you; or

b. Direct deposit.


2. A Data Processing Fee will be deducted from weekly commission checks,according to the following chart: WEEKLY COMMISSIONS FEE

Up  to   $100 .................................... $  3.00

$101 to $200 .................................... $  6.00

$201 to $300 .................................... $  9.00

$301 to $400 .................................... $12.00

$401 and above ............................. $15.00


3. Chargeback and Truck Stop Rent:

a. New Associates do not have to qualify for Truck Stop Rent Bonus nor will it be deducted from their checks their first 8 weeks in the business.

b. If you sell 10 or more process-able Pro-Driver apps with an on-going payment method in one week, no Chargebacks or Truck Stop Rent will be deducted from your commission check.

c. If you sell 5 or more process-able Pro-Driver apps with an on-going payment method in one week, only 25% of any Chargebacks or Truck Stop

Rent will be deducted from your commission check.

d. Chargebacks and Truck Stop Rent will not exceed 50% of your check. Any balance will be added to your debit balance.

4. You can enroll a member with credit card information on the computer until

Mid Night (CST) Saturday night, and they will be processed on Thursday and paid on Friday the following week. You will know immediately if the credit card is valid if you process your application through the website.

5. Checks take a minimum of four (4) working days to clear, so they must be in by Midnight, Monday to pay the following Thursday. You should always input your applications daily from the website to ensure they clear in time for your check.

6. The week the payment clears for an application is the week it will count and pay your commission.

7. All Pro-Driver and Matrix applications count for count to determine the levelof your Pro-Driver advance commissions, even though some might be paid as-earned through the Matrix.38


Health Bonus

To qualify for the health bonus you must have an ACTIVE SBCA MEMBERSHIP with an on-going method of payment worth $42.90 or greater.  Once you qualify, the Health Bonus is strictly based on personal sales count each month. 

 (The following indicates potential Health Bonus based on sales of 4885 Pro-Driver memberships with on-going pay.)


$100 - 22.5 Applications per Month - Average 5.6 Applications per Week

$213 - 32.5 Applications per Month - Average 8.1 Applications per Week

$380 - 42.5 Applications per Month - Average 10.6 Applications per Week

$480 - 52.5 Applications per Month - Average 13.1 Applications per Week

$525 - 95 Applications per Month - Average 23.75 Applications per Week

$600 - 125 Applications per Month - Average 31.25 Applications per Week


Executive Director (EDIR) Bonus

To qualify for the Executive Director Bonus, you must have 36 PGV the previous month and you must have 75 personal Pro-Driver or SBCA sales with on-going payment method in the previous month or have a team of three first-level legs that produce 25 Pro-Driver or SBCA sales with on-going payment method per leg in the previous month. (One leg cannot count for more than 25 Pro-Driver or SBCA sales to qualify).

The following month, you will receive an additional $5.00 on all personal Pro-Driver or SBCA sales withan on-going payment method and on all team Pro-Driver or SBCA sales with an on-going payment method, made that following month, down to the next Executive Director Bonus Qualifier.  At that point, you receive $2.50 on all Pro-Driver or SBCA sales with an on-going payment method down to the second Executive Director Bonus Qualifier; $1.50 down to the third Executive Director Bonus Qualifier and $1.00 per Pro-Driver or SBCA sale with on-going payment method down to the fourth Executive Director Bonus Qualifier in your downline.

Cash Winner Bonus

The amount of cash you earn for each sale with on-going payment increases the more sales you make each week.  For example, when you sell 4885 ProDriver memberships, you could earn:  from $82.78 to $112.78 per sale.  The difference between the base commission and the commission you are paid as the result of your sales count is your Cash Winner Bonus.